Kyley Henderson Art

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Changing: The Raven in a Forest Fire Watercolor Painting

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“The raven is a common northern bird in the Yukon and lives in extremely cold climates. In Changing, the raven is experiencing an apocalyptical disruption in the world and in order to survive, it must evolve. Ivory black feathers slowly transform into the bright lime green of a tropical Amazon parrot. The Raven becomes a shape-shifter, reflecting its ability to adapt in situations, regardless how distressing they appear to be.” -Kyley

Why Art

One of the reasons that art is so important, is that it is so subjective. The meaning behind a work of art varies from person to person - Your neighbor would have a very different view and emotional response to a painting than you. Because I am an artist, I get to engage people on an emotional/personal level- and it is such a gift and honor. The meaning behind Changing for me, is completely different for you - and that is the magic of art. If something in this painting resonates with you - that is what is meaningful to me.

About Changing

This painting represents the overcoming an obstacle or unexpected challenge. Something that pushed you to adapt and alter yourself whether physically or emotionally - In order to defy the odds and propel yourself forward and thrive.

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Work In Progress Photos

My Story

This watercolor painting was completed during a physically and emotionally difficult time in my life. Changing is 3rd in a series of 4 paintings I painted within the first few months of bringing Damien home. Damien’s birth was a traumatic experience for me, so many things went sideways before, during, and after delivery. Everything was awful and when Damien finally cried out and took his first breath- we were relieved and happy. Not even two minutes later the pediatrician nonchalantly diagnosed Damien with Down Syndrome. Nurses were crying, the doctor had no idea, and there was like 20 people in the room because of all the complications - and it was a moment that I do not think I will ever be able to forget.

The first painting I created after we got home, was Earthbound. This painting represented to me the strength William had - being so grounded, focused, and taking care of me and his son. The second painting was Keeper of Blood and Gold. This painting represented myself with blood stained fur for strength and creation, delicate whiskers of gold for the preciousness of life (Damien) and just how fragile and delicate it is.

The third painting, Changing, represented the road to healing for me. The ability to adapt to situations that you do not have any control over. recognizing by evolution, you can thrive and just be o.k. Going beyond mourning, anger, sadness and evolving it to momentum, planning, and focus. This painting, years later is still meaningful to me and hope has been added to it meaning with the Covid-19 Pandemic.

The raven is a common northern bird in the Yukon and lives in extremely cold climates. In Changing, the raven is experiencing an apocalyptical disruption in the world and in order to survive, it must evolve. Ivory black feathers slowly transform into the bright lime green pf a tropical Amazon parrot. The Raven becomes a shape-shifter, reflecting the ability to adapt in situations, regardless how distressing they appear to be.

I hope this painting resonates with you - I would love to know your thoughts and how it makes you feel if you do not mind sharing in the comments below.

Photos of the complete Series and More

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Other Details & Availability

  • Only 50 limited Edition Prints available (link)

  • Original Painting available 11”x15” watercolor on Arches 140lb paper 2019 (contact page)

  • Exhibition(July 3/August 21, 2021) at the CASA Summer Salon Gallery -Group Show with 70 other artists. (more info)

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